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Arts Project Australia
Chris Mason Untitled 2024
Chris Mason Untitled 2024

In My Prime

Sullivan+Strumpf present In My Prime, featuring Arts Project Australia artists Julian Martin and Chris Mason. This exhibition features a curated selection of artworks from artists at an exciting moment in their careers. Chosen for their unique perspectives and diverse practices, the exhibition presents a range of mediums, styles, and subject matter – reflecting the dynamism of contemporary art.

While these artists may not yet be at the pinnacle of their careers, they are undeniably in a prime position—ready to be discovered, explored and celebrated. The title itself is a playful nod to the courage and vulnerability required to participate in the arts, and a reflection on the evolving nature of artistic careers. It’s a celebration of potential, progress, and the thrill of what’s to come.

Our intention is not just to showcase new works but to build meaningful relationships within Melbourne’s creative community — connecting artists, collectors, and enthusiasts alike. It’s about sparking new conversations, embracing potential, taking risks, and celebrating the journey.

In My Prime features work from Jess Cochrane, Emma Creasey, Nick Currie, Angus Gardiner, Naoise Halloran-Mackay, Julian Martin (APA), Chris Mason (APA) and Stefan Mau.


  • Wheelchair accessible

For wheelchair access, Sullivan+Strumpf provide a ramp and a roller door leading into the gallery space. The bathroom is fully accessible, equipped with handrails.

For additional information on accessibility please contact Sullivan+Strumpf on Phone: +61 3 7046 6489 or Email:

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